Help Wanted!
Some of our more recent opportunities for involvement will be listed here.
Our church adapts to new opportunities and needs as they arise. And church members frequently have new ideas for ways to serve one another and serve others.
Those ideas require your help! So check here frequently for new and short-term ways you can help Rolling Hills be the presence of Christ to one another and to the world.
Latest Updates
Annual Living Nativity & Camel Ride Event is Saturday 12/7, 5p.
Our annual Living Nativity and Camel Ride event is Saturday, 12/7 at 5p. Click "Living Nativity & Camel Ride" event for more info! Please contact the office for...
Advent at RHBC schedule is out!
Sunday, November 24 “Thanksgiving Sunday” “Decoration Day” Sunday, December 1st First Sunday of Advent "Hanging o' the Green" Saturday, December 7 "Living...