Pastor’s Blog

In 2006, Steve Sheely was approached by the Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette and asked to write a column as part of their FaithMatters series.  80 columns later, Steve is still writing these columns.

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Ambulance or fence?

Recently a candidate for state government mentioned her support for our "God-given, 2nd-amendment rights."  Honestly, it doesn't surprise me how eager so many...

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Does your Pastor have a church?

Which is better?  Living in a fishbowl or feeling like a fish-out-of-water?  Fortunately, there is an alternative. My memory of the incident is hazy. I recall the sound...

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Canoeing the Mountains.

We should consider it an asset how exploration and discovery are such a recent and important part of our country's DNA. Several years ago I loaded up everyone into the...

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Still reachable.

Death has no graduates.  That is why faith is required.  And friends. My friends are white, 50-something year-old males who like cars, college sports and YouTube videos...

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Cups go upside down. Apparently.

My first column in January 2017.  Perhaps I was in the midst of New Year's resolutions. My wife is terrific. She is funny, gracious and patient. Most of all she puts up...

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