Pastor’s Blog

In 2006, Steve Sheely was approached by the Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette and asked to write a column as part of their FaithMatters series.  80 columns later, Steve is still writing these columns.

Latest Updates

Virtual religion?

COVID has accelerated an already existing change in our religious landscape. I have a tendency to make unrequested proposals. I’ll have some “great idea,” write it up...

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Democracy disgraced.

Christian Nationalism is neither. They carried crosses. They carried flags and banners with Christian symbols. Clothing was adorned with symbols and slogans about...

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Idolizing the past, in my opinion, is akin to giving up on the future...God's future. In the old book there is a story of a ribbon-cutting. Decades after the...

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Virtual life?

My phrase for what life will be like after this is over:  The Great Reboot Last week I finally raked my leaves. Yes, the leaves that fell in November. Forty bags lined...

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A COVID Easter

Little did we know that this would continue for over a year-and-a-half. Do I need to describe how odd it is to preach in an empty sanctuary? Or do a Bible study in...

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6597 Petabytes.

I'm afraid the long-term effects of the consumption of online pornography have yet to be fully realized. One morning my mother reminded me that the furniture store was...

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