Pastor’s Blog

In 2006, Steve Sheely was approached by the Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette and asked to write a column as part of their FaithMatters series. 80 columns later, Steve is still writing these columns.
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The Box from Nashville
As I post my columns from the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette we have reached February 2010. I hear a lot of funny stories about pastors. Like those hilarious baptism...
Ramah’s Voice
The older I get the more I move from frenetic, yet sleepy-faced kids in footsie pajamas tearing into packages to lonely people waiting desperately for December 26th. ...
“So you’re onboard the Titanic…”
Back in November 2009 this was simply an effort to turn what had become a political issue into a compassion issue. So you’re on the Titanic resting in your first-class...
Losing Control
I wrote this in October 2009. In hindsight, I should have put more emphasis on the significance of worshiping within God’s creation – especially in light of what the...
Tap, Snap or Nap?
August 2009: This is one of my favorite columns (perhaps because I felt like a real journalist). The feedback I received was interesting – apparently quite a few men...
Who’s Side is He On?
This was published in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette the week of Independence Day in 2009. In my neck of the woods, asking questions about patriotism in church is like...