Pastor’s Blog

In 2006, Steve Sheely was approached by the Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette and asked to write a column as part of their FaithMatters series. 80 columns later, Steve is still writing these columns.
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Ten Things I Learned on my Sabbatical
There was a point on this trip where I had been gone long enough for the scales to fall off and was still far enough from our return that I could not see the end. That...
The Bus Stops Here?
If we aren’t careful, it is too easy to forget that there are people out there who either don’t have cars or can’t afford to use them. Don’t you hate sitting in...
Ultimately, this issue found a solution. In the summer of 2012 we embarked on a seven-week sabbatical. It was a divine experience. And I can say that even after...
The Tiny Bathroom
As a child, if I had to choose, I would have said that I felt safer around Eddie than I did around my own grandfather. And he gave me a golf ball once. We are a family...
Cheer Up?
As pastor I am careful not to assume everyone feels as joyful as I do. And vice versa. The expectation that you have to be happy is not a gracious one. It’s about...
Cleaning Closets
The loss of parents changes everything. Through the grief there comes a transformation, unsmiling and mostly forced. It truly is a new chapter. A new life. A new...