Pastor’s Blog

In 2006, Steve Sheely was approached by the Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette and asked to write a column as part of their FaithMatters series.  80 columns later, Steve is still writing these columns.

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Unexpected Wisdom

What is most difficult about befriending the mentally-ill who are homeless is suddenly never seeing them again. I keep a litany of faces and names that remain in my...

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Girl Talk

It is my opinion that more men need to speak up about these issues. According to congregational historians, Inez Lung Lee returned to her home church in Texas, stood up...

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The Phone Call

Advent 2012.  I frequently requested an early advent date for my column so I could invite readers to our Candlelight service for grieving parents. I know with previous...

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The Gospel of Halloween

All Saint’s Day 2012.  From beginning to end scripture is filled with references to God gathering people from every corner of the globe. That is part of God’s plan. It...

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8-tracks and iTunes

These columns were probably not read as much as the others. For two reasons: they are less anecdotal and they challenge life-long assumptions and experiences. My task...

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