Pastor’s Blog

In 2006, Steve Sheely was approached by the Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette and asked to write a column as part of their FaithMatters series.  80 columns later, Steve is still writing these columns.

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Dirty Hands

If we’re not careful our churches, and our faith, can become mostly cerebral. With a prevailing emphasis on didacticism and privacy-in-the-pew, our faith can become...

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More Christian than Jesus

The analogy I tend to use is ‘overdone’, like a charred turkey ceremoniously taken out of the oven on Thanksgiving day. We are notoriously adept at developing the...

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The Toy Aisle

What I do not miss is going home after the midnight Christmas Eve candlelight service only to assemble a bicycle or go-cart. What I do miss are the exclamations of...

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“Do you know…”

This was an exercise in communication. Expressing the scope of the gospel in modern language without Bible-words is difficult but necessary…for preachers and other...

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The balanced life is elusive. I suppose it is a lifelong effort. When you figure it out let me know. For over 30 years if you came to our church when it was raining you...

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Baptist Monasticism

That I had followed Christ without appreciating the service and sacrifice of monks and nuns was a disadvantage. I am grateful for the example and hospitality of these...

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