Midweek Mosaic

While Sunday mornings are crucial to maintaining a Christlike perspective to our daily lives, finding encouragement in the middle-of-the-week can recharge our spiritual batteries.  Midweek Mosaic is a weekly gathering of prayer, study and edification.  We gather every Wednesday at 6:00pm for a meal together, share prayer concerns and enjoy a lively study.  We are finished between 7:45-8:00pm.  

The time around the tables together each week is an ancient and essential part of our Christian experience.  Sharing a meal together is a great way to build friendships with other Christ-followers.

We will continue our study of Salvation…What is it?  Why do we need it?  What has God done to save us?  What do we need to do?

Our study considers salvation as part of a gracious, divine process:

• God’s imagination…His original intention for us

• Our crisis…What are we rescued from?

• God’s heart…Why would He want to rescue us?

• God’s solution…How he rescues from the results of our rejection of Him

• Our response…to God’s loving and merciful solution to rescue us 

• Our transformation…as we are rescued from our peril back to God’s original intention

• Our result…or our transformation to God’s intended way of living

• Our future…Rescued means rescued forever


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Midweek Mosaic

Midweek Mosaic

Midweek Mosaic is gathering both in-person and on-line!  We will begin an 8-session study "Seeing Through the Eyes of Jesus" this Wednesday, 6pm!

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