Weekend Retreats

Rolling Hills offers weekend retreats for men and women once each year. These retreats are typically held at Subiaco Abby in Subiaco, Arkansas or St. Scholastica Convent in Fort Smith, Arkansas. We invite a guest speaker to lead our weekend. You’ll notice this page listed under “Making Friends” and “Growing Spiritually” because retreats are just as much about building relationships as they are about learning to live the Christian life.
Our retreats begin on Friday evening and end on Sunday morning (usually in time to return to 11:00am worship in Fayetteville).
We’ll keep this page updated with news about our upcoming men’s retreats, women’s retreats and leadership retreats.
Latest Updates
Women’s Retreat
We had a glorious time at Camp Siloam this past weekend! We left refreshed and renewed by the spirit.
Discernment Retreat 2.0
Discernment Retreat 2.0 Saturday, February 11 9:00am – noon Let’s build on our first Discernment retreat in December and continue to explore God’s plans for the next...
Half-Day Discernment Retreat
Please keep praying with us while We are trying to discern what God wants this church to be and what He wants us to do.
Half-day Discernment Retreat on December 3rd
Some of our retreats are full weekends at retreat centers around Arkansas. One favorite destination is the monastery at Subiaco. Our next retreat is a half-day...
Check back again soon!
We are always updating our website with new information and new opportunities.