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Sharing the fun we had on Easter… He is Risen!
So much fun on Easter Sunday at Rolling Hills. Thank you for the amazing services and activities and whoever participated on these.
Congratulations on your baptism!
So many blessing at Rolling Hills. Bryson & Jack got baptized on Easter Sunday! There are some pictures to share with you.
CEO visit with the Youth group
We braved the weather and visited CEO last Friday. Thanks to Mrs. Jennifer and Mrs. Maxine for giving us a tour and answering all the questions we had. The youth group...
We are ready for you!
Patiently waiting for the youth group to come join us. We are READY!!!
Special music – We’ve got the whole world in his hands.
Thanks to Lisa, Marla and Carri for the amazing special music. We all enjoyed singing our favorite song together!
Care Night
Thank you for joining the care night! It's a great way to let them know that we are here for them. Hope you can join us next care night.