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Advent Schedule 2023 @ RHBC
Wednesday, November 29th Decoration day, 6p Sunday, December 3rd First Sunday of Advent "Hanging o' the Green" Christmas Banquet after worship Sunday, December 10...
All Saints Day Worship
All Saints Day Worship at RHBC last Sunday reveals what is very special about our church. We are a wonderfully different kind of baptist church. I invite you to watch...
Great visit with CBF family
Thank you Shane and Kyle joining the service and Thank you Brittany, Kyle and Shane for meeting with us. We look forward to see you guys again.
What’s going on at Children’s Church?
We talked about Baby Moses, Jesus feeding 5000 people this week and had fun making baskets. Enjoyed helping one another during the process. Good job!
Getting to know ladies @RHBC
Get to know ladies @ RHBC, every Tuesdays at 6pm Please email Liz Allen - to be on the email list.
Happy to serve our community.
We received a note from Margaret Holcomb who is a member of RHBC and Cane Hills. We are happy to serve our community! THANK YOU RHBC! Thank you for the use of the RHBC...