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Losing Control

I wrote this in October 2009.  In hindsight, I should have put more emphasis on the significance of worshiping within God’s creation – especially in light of what the...

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Tap, Snap or Nap?

August 2009:  This is one of my favorite columns (perhaps because I felt like a real journalist). The feedback I received was interesting – apparently quite a few men...

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Who’s Side is He On?

This was published in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette the week of Independence Day in 2009.  In my neck of the woods, asking questions about patriotism in church is like...

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People like Us

I wrote this column for Pentecost in 2009.  Pentecost is the day each year we remember when believers in Jesus were given God's Spirit.  With more computing power in...

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Poppa’s Prayers

I wrote this for Easter 2009.  It got the most responses of all the columns I’ve written.  And the response I remember most was the woman who said “Now you go and let...

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