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Monkeyblood, a Bag of Diamonds and a Storm Cellar
This column was inspired by a vision I had during a time of deep sadness. To find comfort from that vision years later speaks to the value of willfully stepping into...
Years later there are still moments every day when I need my mom and dad. Like a few days ago when we moved our twins into their dormitory. I remember when...
Crash Helmet Christmas
One of the best things our church does is our annual ‘Living Nativity.’ Real children ride real camels to Bethlehem and find the real baby in the real manger. Many...
Duct Tape, Gated Communities and Neurosurgeons
Those days at MD Anderson remain a blur. It was a milestone moment for all of us. But, strangely enough, it was a preacher writing a newspaper column that helped...
I Hate War
There is a fine line between just and unjust war. And there is a fine line between hating what war can do and loving those scarred by it. That line deserves our...
Pastor Ponders Pounds
A year after this was written I began my fitness journey. In the ten years between August 2011 and 2021 I've lost 30 pounds and gotten stronger. According to...