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The Gospel of Halloween

All Saint’s Day 2012.  From beginning to end scripture is filled with references to God gathering people from every corner of the globe. That is part of God’s plan. It...

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8-tracks and iTunes

These columns were probably not read as much as the others. For two reasons: they are less anecdotal and they challenge life-long assumptions and experiences. My task...

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The Bus Stops Here?

If we aren’t careful, it is too easy to forget that there are people out there who either don’t have cars or can’t afford to use them. Don’t you hate sitting in...

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Ultimately, this issue found a solution. In the summer of 2012 we embarked on a seven-week sabbatical. It was a divine experience. And I can say that even after...

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The Tiny Bathroom

As a child, if I had to choose, I would have said that I felt safer around Eddie than I did around my own grandfather. And he gave me a golf ball once. We are a family...

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