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Dungeons and Dugouts

It is not always easy to fit our everyday human lives into a divine and eternal context. But if we believe in a this-world-to-that-world continuity we should at least...

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The Fourteen Bins

Yes, the Fourteen Bins remain in their place to this day. I didn’t see the movie, but I saw the trailer. Stand Up Guys is about aging gangsters looking for their last...

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Recently I went back to my hometown and visited that cemetery. I stood by my father’s grave. I knelt before the statue of Christ. It was raining. I got back in my truck...

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Upside-down Power

Trusting upside-down power is hard. We have been taught all our lives that power is found in strength and wealth and intimidation. But God’s power doesn’t work that...

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Labor Day

Sometimes the answer to “who is my neighbor?” is “the person who lives near you.” When I was in college I had a summer job as a tree surgeon. And we did not use a...

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No Cupcakes for Gossips

After all the rhetoric about the problems and lawsuits this ordinance would cause I have not heard a thing. I am white. I am a married male. I have graduate degrees and...

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