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Danger in the National Parks!
(Easter 2016) This is embarrassing. Had I remembered I used Mr. Beaver’s quote in a 2010 column I would have chosen something else. But the quote is still important...
Mountain Driving
Talking about ‘designated Christians’ sounds like a pastor who doesn’t want to work hard. But I have always taken the approach that one of my main tasks is working...
The Jig was Up
For years we would drive past that spot only to discover that our handiwork was still evident. Did anyone else wonder why the blue spruce near the National Forest sign...
Safety Nets
The gospel we proclaim does not promise a lot of immediate benefit. As a matter of fact, we are inviting people to follow someone who was brutally tortured and publicly...
According to a recent update from, “Governor Asa Hutchinson sets dates for eight executions. The Arkansas Supreme Court imposes a stay on...
Completely Weird
A friend I've mentioned in this column sells life insurance. He was ordained on-line. Last year he did more weddings than I did. It can be hard to find firm footing in...