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Greater love

As I imagined my death I prayed, "Lord, find me..." My mother remarried when I was thirteen years old. Jim was a kind and gracious man. He treated me and my sisters...

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Building Bridges

18 months after this column the first residents moved into their cottages at New Beginnings. Someone is standing at an intersection with a sign or maybe they stop by...

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Shackles and pepper spray

Years later I still wonder about these boys... The other day someone slammed a door in my house. It was an unusual event. “Who did that?” “What is wrong?” “Is someone...

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Hobbit Spirituality

I think Tolkien knew exactly what he was doing.  TMZ reports that in the span of just 24 hours, Kim Kardashian racked up 42.8 million views on her Snapchat accounts,...

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Parents Left Behind continues to provide support and empathy. Sometimes I make a list. It’s an odd list. Perhaps you’ve made it too. I make a list of how fortunate I...

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Predator in the wild

I saw this guy again at a pizza place.  As I walked by I told his date to keep an eye on her drink. Thursday night is date night. So my wife and I have a favorite...

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