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Delivering Care packages and fun bags
Delivering packages and fun bags are even more fun when you have a cute helper!
6597 Petabytes.
I'm afraid the long-term effects of the consumption of online pornography have yet to be fully realized. One morning my mother reminded me that the furniture store was...
The Cookie Network?
Hans Rosling's TED Talk is called "The Best Stats You've Ever Seen." I recommend it. Pepperidge Farm remembers…the good ol’ days. Fresh baked cookies, horse-drawn...
He won’t allow torture chambers.
For some reasons, many Christians need a horrible destiny for "those people." But is their theology of the afterlife consistent with a gracious God who rescues...
Forgiveness and freedom
Parents Left behind continues to reach out to grieving parents. Next Saturday there will be a gathering. A gathering of remarkable people. A gathering of incredible...
God’s first Bible
I took my second sabbatical after fourteen years as pastor of Rolling Hills Baptist Church. Again, I went west. These are some observations... Inside my tent,...