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Sunday school class is starting!
Yay!! We did it! We are starting our bible study soon. Come join us!!!
“Profits from the Prophets”
These are 15-minute overviews of the Old Testament prophets. Like the Revelation, finding a historical and situational context for these ancient documents can help us...
“Adventures in the Revelation”
Several mentioned that I went from the Song of Solomon to the Revelation on my Tuesday/Thursday Facebook devotionals. Why not jump right into the deep end? I took an...
Virtual life?
My phrase for what life will be like after this is over: The Great Reboot Last week I finally raked my leaves. Yes, the leaves that fell in November. Forty bags lined...
“The Song of Songs”
It was Easter 2020 when we began a full-scale shift in church life because of the COVID-19 pandemic. At this time I began to do live videos from my home called "Steve...
A COVID Easter
Little did we know that this would continue for over a year-and-a-half. Do I need to describe how odd it is to preach in an empty sanctuary? Or do a Bible study in...