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Virtual religion?

COVID has accelerated an already existing change in our religious landscape. I have a tendency to make unrequested proposals. I’ll have some “great idea,” write it up...

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I propose that the letter from the apostle James was the first book of the New Testament.  There is good reason to believe that it was a letter written to the new...

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Democracy disgraced.

Christian Nationalism is neither. They carried crosses. They carried flags and banners with Christian symbols. Clothing was adorned with symbols and slogans about...

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Christmas tree fun!

Christmas tree fun!

You got to church a little early before Sunday school? No problem. Sophia and Vela are having fun decorating a Christmas tree.

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“Luke’s Parables”

“Luke’s Parables”

Beginning in October, 2020 I did an overview of the parables in Luke's gospel. October 15, 2020: Overview of Luke's gospel and a discussion of the parable as a teaching...

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Idolizing the past, in my opinion, is akin to giving up on the future...God's future. In the old book there is a story of a ribbon-cutting. Decades after the...

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