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“The Spirit of Christ in Me?” Spring 2021 Sermon Series
We live amidst the magic of technology. And we live in an era where advances in science have, apparently, removed the mystery from our lives. And maybe we are...
Midweek Mosaic online: Here’s a sample…
At the moment, we are still meeting online each Wednesday night at 6:30 for Midweek Mosaic. Midweek Mosaic is a meal together, prayer for one another and a...
About Bill Merrifield
William “Bill” Merrifield is a native of the State of Colorado. He was born in Denver in 1930 during the Great Depression of very hard working parents who painfully...
Kid’s Movie Day! First Post Covid outing!
We had a great time going to the movie. We are planning on having more fun activities this summer so stay tuned!
The Bible, Sex and Communication
The over-spiritualization of the Song of Songs is theological body-shaming. In the last twelve years, I have written these columns about marijuana, mixed martial arts...
Family Garden is here!
Cammy and the girls started their garden today!