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The Milky Way Galaxy…”Our Home,” pt. II
NASA /JPL/-Cal Tech We do not often think of the Milky Way galaxy as being “our home” but, in truth, it really is! We all live between a matched pair of Milky Way...
Welcome to RHBC!
Marshallese church had their first service last Sunday, August 22 @ RHBC.
Difficult Scripture
This is a brief series of passages that might be confusing and subject to misinterpretation. I might do more of these as I stumble across other biblical passages that...
Parents Left Behind 2021 Seminar
Each year Parents Left Behind offers a seminar for grieving parents. This year's seminar will be online on August 29th. Click here for more information and to...
Church votes to invite Marshallese Congregation to worship @ RHBC
Pictured above are some of the deacons from the First Pentecostal Marshallese Church of Fayetteville. After praying for months for a way to demonstrate the...
About COVID Weariness…
This is my column in the Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette on Saturday, August 7, 2021. I discuss the issue of Christians not getting a COVID vaccination. The...