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Lord’s Supper in the Season of COVID
We celebrate the Lord's Supper on the first Sunday of every month. If you are not comfortable attending worship in person, watch online via Facebook, find bread and...
CEO Contributions still happening…
Next time you are at the church pick up a CEO bag and fill it up with groceries. As COVID benefits begin to expire there are plenty of homes without sufficient food.
Christian fiction in our Church Library
Apparently there is a love for Christian fiction in our church! How about five shelves worth? Just drop by the church office and check out a few!
Lee Street Community Center featured on KNWA
Click this link to hear about our church, the Lee Street Community Center in Elaine, Arkansas and Pat Kienzle talking about a day to support state charitable...
Fun time at Elaine!
We had good time making Tie Dye shirts with the kids. Can't wait to see how they turn out!
They couldn’t leave the church without a picture of them!
Vela, Sophia and Suzette are posing in front of the painting in our Sunday school hallway. Everything is so much more fun together!