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CBF of Arkansas to merge with CBF Louisiana and CBF Mississippi
The councils from the three state CBF organizations have all voted to merge with one another to form a new regional CBF entity. For more information check out this...
Grab some RHBC website cards and let people know about our church!
Come grab a stack of RHBC website cards and give them to your friends. The code takes them directly to our website and they can browse all the great things our church...
Fall/Halloween Event is on the way!
Our Fall Event is happening on the 24th of October. 5-6pm. We are going to have some activities set up inside and outside for all ages! (Masks is required inside)...
Bridge housing.
Every community in our nation should have places like this. Can you member the last time you moved into a new apartment? There’s a little more to it than finding a...
RHBC Highlighted on KNWA for Marshallese Partnership
On Sunday, October 3, KNWA highlighted our partnership with the First Marshallese Pentecostal Church of Fayetteville. Check out the story below:...
The Crafty Ladies of RHBC!
The Crafty Ladies of Rolling Hills had their first meeting. We enjoyed the visit and all of us got to take a fun tie dye shirt home. Stay tuned for the next one. You...