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All Saint’s Day @ RHBC
On the first Sunday of November each year, Rolling Hills Baptist Church celebrates All Saint's Day. We light candles and remember those who have gone before us: ...
Our Home: The Milky Way Galaxy (III)
The photograph is a computer generated image of our Milky Way galaxy by mapping data obtained from a wide variety of electromagnetic waves originating from various...
Help wanted to maintain our building…
It is more affordable if we can maintain our own facility so maybe you can help! Here is a list of small projects that need to be done to keep our church building in...
Reformation Sunday @ RHBC
Like Martin Luther, we celebrated Reformation Sunday by nailing our "graceless" church experiences onto a door. And we challenged one another to stand up for those who...
Fall Workday was a tremendous success!
It was the perfect day for showing some love to our church! Our Marshallese friends came and helped too. Trees, shrubs and flower beds were cared for. Trash was...
Fall/ Halloween Event
We had so much fun visiting and playing games with Marshallese church kids and families. There will be more opportunities to get to know each other and We hope you can...