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“Church Life”
In 1990-91 I attended Yale University Divinity School to find answers. As a youth pastor, I remember driving vans, hosting lock-ins and setting up folding chairs --...
New Year’s Eve Party & Game Night
So much laughter during this activity! Come join the fun next time. You don't want to miss it!
Christmas Eve Service
We enjoyed having The Marshallese Church for Christmas Eve service. Kids got to know each other a little more while preparing Christmas story.
Love unwrapped.
This was published on Christmas day. How many people read the newspaper on Christmas day? We jump into Christmas with both feet. I suppose when you begin holiday...
Christmas Eve Service 12/24 @5pm
The Marshallese church is going join to us for our Christmas Eve Service.
Living Nativity event was fun!
We're so happy to bring back our Annual Living Nativity event this year. There are some pictures from the event!