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New Beginnings’ 3rd Anniversary Party
New Beginnings had their 3rd anniversary party last Saturday. Thank you Millie and Hadley for attending the party and represent our church ministry.
Men’s Book club meeting on Tuesdays @6p
Men's Book club is meeting at San Miguel's.
Support Hurrican Helene Relief with CBF
Please click Hurricane Helen to learn and help with CBF.
Thank you for the beautiful song.
Please click the link below to listen to Otto and Betty's special music.
The invisible are all around us…
__________________________________________ Every year Parents Left Behind offers a seminar for grieving parents. Many of these parents grieve alone and are easily...
Kiva? We can help with what we have!
We learned about "KIVA" program from Ms. Pat. We don't have to be grown ups to help people and We learned one of the ways to how today.