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Easter Sunrise Service and breakfast, Sunday, April 17th @6:40am
Rise and Shine!!! Please join us for Easter Sunrise Service and breakfast, April 17th at 6:40am.
Good Friday Service, April 15th @7pm.
We invite you to take part in our Good Friday Service as We remember God's love for us.
Great time at the cookout!
We enjoyed each other's company, good food and amazing cookies that everyone brought for the contest! Can't wait for the next cookout!
“Prayers of the Bible”
I've got my trusty goat journal and am eager to discuss some of the great prayers of the Bible! These were all posted on Facebook in early 2022. Abraham's prayer for...
Cook-out and Cookie Cook-off on April 10th at 5pm!
The weather is getting warmer, so why not have some fun? We'll have good food, a cookie decorating contest, a talent show and outdoor games!
Our first meal delivery to New Beginnings Community!
March 26th, We delivered a meal to New Beginnings Community for the first time. Let us know if you would like to join us. Next delivery will be April 26th, Tuesday.