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Our first meal delivery to New Beginnings Community!
March 26th, We delivered a meal to New Beginnings Community for the first time. Let us know if you would like to join us. Next delivery will be April 26th, Tuesday.
Creation and Nature
Richard Rohr is credited for saying "Creation is God's first Bible." I couldn't agree more. Even after the revelation of the Old Testament law, prophecies and the...
Time for some pretty flowers!
Spring is almost here! Let's plant some pretty flowers around the church and add some spring color to it!
Russian tanks, John Lennon and Heaven.
Yes, there is bad religion. But there is also wonderful religion. I never thought I’d see hostile tanks rumbling through a European city. Or hear the wail of air raid...
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship response to the Ukraine crisis
If you are interested in the CBF response to the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, click the link below. It also provides information about how you can give to support...
New Beginnings Community Meal
Our first evening meal for New Beginnings Community is going to be on the 23rd of March. We'll meet at Worthley Hall at 4pm that day to deliver the food to their...