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CBF response to the crisis in Ukraine.
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship response to the crisis in Ukraine If you are interested in the CBF response to the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, click this link...
CBF Global Missions
We have envelopes located at the entrance of the sanctuary for Annual CBF Global Mission. 100% of offering will support the long-term presence of CBF field personnel...
Women’s prayer Group
Always a good time visiting and praying for each other with these ladies at Women's prayer group. Contact Patty Severino or the church office for more info.
Steve, Thank you for 17 years of service.
Welcomed and celebrated beginning of Steve's 18th year of service at Rolling Hills.
Kid are ready for Easter Egg Hunt!
They all look so ready!! We had fun finding Easter eggs.
Easter Sunrise Service and breakfast
We had an amazing Easter Sunrise Service and Thanks to the deacons for preparing breakfast!