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Bro. Andrew came to visit us.
We're so delighted to have Brother Andrew and Catherine joining us the service.
Pastor Steve is 60!!!
We enjoyed celebrating Pastor Steve's 60th birthday. Thank you for everything you do, Pastor Steve. We appreciate you!!!
CEO for August
Ray Higgins and Judy Higgins made a delivery to CEO on the August 22nd. CEO is in need of baby food and meet canned food.
Patriotic communities
For some reason "well-ordered" has been left out of the conversation. Oxford, Uvalde and Chicago shock us. I have facilitated a support group for grieving parents for...
Needing help for New Beginnings Meal Train
We have been preparing and delivering meals for 5 months to New Beginnings and we would love to have your help to keep this going! We have a menu set up already so you...
Elaine Trip
It was nice to meet Brother Andrew (and making silly faces for the picture) and see Elaine. The girls enjoyed painting bird houses and making baskets for families in...