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Fall Workday
Thank you everyone who came out and worked hard to make our church pretty again!
GPS begins new book at monthly meetings
Beginning at our meeting on Monday, October 10, GPS will read and discuss Doug Manning's "Don't Take My Grief Away from Me." Doug Manning helped launch the Grieving...
Midweek Mosaic begins this Wednesday!
Midweek Mosaic begins this Wednesday! It's time to gather again for Midweek Mosaic, both in-person and on-line! We will begin an 8-session study "Seeing Through the...
Is God surveilling us too? I have received one traffic violation in my 17 years in Arkansas. One evening near Subiaco I was pulled over for speeding. I deserved my...
Men’s Book Club gears up for our 7th season!
We are back! Tuesday nights at 6p at Whole Hog BBQ. Join us as we consider how to live the second half of our lives with significance and impact. Call the church...
Information from the last CEO Board Meeting.
There is some updated information from the last CEO Board Meeting. - CEO is in need of plastic grocery bags to be used for distributing groceries to people. - Food...