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Half-day Discernment Retreat on December 3rd
Some of our retreats are full weekends at retreat centers around Arkansas. One favorite destination is the monastery at Subiaco. Our next retreat is a half-day...
Men’s Book Club continues to inspire and build friendships.
We are enjoying our study of Bob Buford's "Finishing Well: as we enjoy great BBQ at Whole Hog. Come join us on Tuesdays at 6p.
CBF of Arkansas Meeting
Thanks to Randy Hyde and his wife, Janet who came to the meeting for the recent update on CBF of AR. It was inspiring and encouraging to hear about things that CBF does...
Our Youth Kids enjoyed our Homecoming Party!
Helpful updates after October Board Meeting for CEO
Jennifer Kidd attended monthly board meeting for CEO and there are some helpful updates; Financially, CEO is in good shape. The CEO headquarters on Huntsville Rd is...
Homecoming Party
Thank you everyone who came to the party and who worked so hard to make this happen! We all had a great time visiting with each other and sharing some delicious food.