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Ozark Bronze Handbell Concert
We have Adam Higgins and Blair Higgins who attend our church in this group. We are so blessed to have such talented church members who share their talents with us!
Living Nativity & Camel Rides
One of favorite annual event, Living Nativity & Camel Rides!
World Wide Candle Light Service
We had annual World Wide Candle Light Service. Thank you for everyone who prepared and attended the service.
Annual Living Nativity & Camel Ride Event is Saturday 12/7, 5p.
Our annual Living Nativity and Camel Ride event is Saturday, 12/7 at 5p. Click "Living Nativity & Camel Ride" event for more info! Please contact the office for...
Advent at RHBC schedule is out!
Sunday, November 24 “Thanksgiving Sunday” “Decoration Day” Sunday, December 1st First Sunday of Advent "Hanging o' the Green" Saturday, December 7 "Living...
Thanks to Lisa and Dann for the beautiful Special Music.
Click "Lisa and Dann's Special Music" to watch them sing at the service.