Jennifer Kidd attended monthly board meeting for CEO and there are some helpful updates;
- Financially, CEO is in good shape. The CEO headquarters on Huntsville Rd is totally paid for (a $400,000 building debt was totally paid off in 16 months thanks to the generosity of member churches and donations that came in…you all probably knew this but I did not. Amazing!) Equally amazing, CEO is able to currently give out up to $1,500 a day to meet financial needs of clients. In the beginning over 30 yrs ago it could only give out $25 a day. The current amount of $1,500 will be readjusted to a lower amt the beginning of 2023; however, due to CEO being closed during covid a surplus has accumulated.
- In December, CEO will celebrate its 34th year of giving and serving Washington County people in need.
- Two grants have been rec’d from Arvest Bank and the Junior Civic League. These grants, particularly the Jr Civic League’s money, goes into a “special fund” which is only given out when someone comes in with an extraordinary need (a single parent who may have a short term need for shelter until suitable housing is available for the parent and children). An interviewer may discover this need and recommend to the daily mgr money from the special fund to cover temporary motel housing. I heard some amazing stories of help being given out in a crisis such as this. People coming in simply for food and then it was discovered they were living in their car with 3 children for a week until they could get into housing.
- Volunteers are always welcomed so let me know if anyone is interested and I can put you in touch with the coordinators for this.