Special Services

Valuing the history of Christian worship can add deeper meaning to how we worship God.  We adhere to certain portions of the ancient liturgical calendar.  For example, we celebrate Ash Wednesday and honor the preparatory season of Lent.  We also emphasize Holy Week with Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday in addition to an annual Easter morning Sunrise service.

Similarly, we recognize the Advent season as another important time of preparation as we ready our hearts for the coming of Christ our Savior (Rescuer).  We begin the Advent season each year with a “Hanging o’ the Green” service and move to Christmas during the four sundays of Advent.  We also celebrate with a family-oriented service on Christmas Eve.

Other special services include All Saint’s Day, Christ the King Sunday and the more recent additions of Veteran’s Day, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.  Promotion Sunday, Baptism Sundays and other special days are also part of our church calendar.

Latest Updates

Reformation Sunday @ RHBC

Reformation Sunday @ RHBC

Like Martin Luther, we celebrated Reformation Sunday by nailing our "graceless" church experiences onto a door.  And we challenged one another to stand up for those who...

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2021 Good Friday Service

2021 Good Friday Service

One of our special services each year is our Good Friday service.  This service commemorates Christ's crucifixion and its meaning for us.  This is a tenebrae (Lt....

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A COVID Easter

Little did we know that this would continue for over a year-and-a-half. Do I need to describe how odd it is to preach in an empty sanctuary? Or do a Bible study in...

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Danger in the National Parks!

(Easter 2016)  This is embarrassing. Had I remembered I used Mr. Beaver’s quote in a 2010 column I would have chosen something else. But the quote is still important...

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