by Steve Sheely | Nov 9, 2021 | Special Services, Worship at RHBC
On the first Sunday of November each year, Rolling Hills Baptist Church celebrates All Saint’s Day. We light candles and remember those who have gone before us: beloved church members, family members and friends. Joining together with other believers, both...
by Steve Sheely | Nov 1, 2021 | Seasonal, Special Services, Worship at RHBC
Like Martin Luther, we celebrated Reformation Sunday by nailing our “graceless” church experiences onto a door. And we challenged one another to stand up for those who are being abused by “Bad Religion.” Scripture was from Luke 11 and Matthew...
by Steve Sheely | Sep 8, 2021 | Worship at RHBC
We celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of every month. If you are not comfortable attending worship in person, watch online via Facebook, find bread and juice and join with us!
by Steve Sheely | Aug 16, 2021 | Marshallese Partnership, Worship at RHBC
Pictured above are some of the deacons from the First Pentecostal Marshallese Church of Fayetteville. After praying for months for a way to demonstrate the multi-cultural nature of the Kingdom of God, we invited this Marshallese church, currently meeting in a home,...
by Steve Sheely | Jun 29, 2021 | Music, Sermons, Worship at RHBC
We are emphasizing the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives as we have done since Pentecost. Betty leads our singing and Mary sings “Breathe on Me” (46:33). The sermon, based on the healing stories in Luke 4 and 5, begins at 52:35. Video of the service...
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