by Yuna Hutchison | Nov 20, 2023 | Building Bridges, Children's Sunday School, Children’s Special Events, Fellowship Events, Preschool Sunday School, Seasonal, Special Services, Worship at RHBC
Wednesday, November 29th Decoration day, 6p Sunday, December 3rd First Sunday of Advent “Hanging o’ the Green” Christmas Banquet after worship Sunday, December 10 Second Sunday of Advent Ozark Bronze “Christmas at RHBC”, 3p Worldwide...
by Yuna Hutchison | Nov 8, 2023 | Children's Sunday School, Preschool Sunday School, Seasonal, Special Services, Worship at RHBC
All Saints Day Worship at RHBC last Sunday reveals what is very special about our church. We are a wonderfully different kind of baptist church. I invite you to watch and experience the welcome, the music, the prayers, the children’s sermon, the Pastor’s sermon on...
by Yuna Hutchison | Feb 27, 2023 | Worship at RHBC
Thanks to Lisa, Marla and Carri for the amazing special music. We all enjoyed singing our favorite song together!
by Steve Sheely | Dec 7, 2022 | Marshallese Partnership, Seasonal, Special Services, Worship at RHBC
Our annual Christmas Eve service will be held at 5:00. You are warmly welcome to attend and bring your family and friends. This year’s service will include the Christmas story — acted out with costumed characters (yes, you are welcome to participate!),...
by Steve Sheely | Jul 5, 2022 | Worship at RHBC
Everyone is invited to the table for the Lord’s Supper at Rolling Hills Baptist Church. We celebrate and remember on the first Sunday of each month. Remembering His love, His sacrifice and His promise. We receive together, sharing from the safe...
by Steve Sheely | Nov 22, 2021 | Elaine Mission, Lee Street, Seasonal, Worship at RHBC
Each year we invite our church to make a special Christmas offering to one of our various ministries. This year we are supporting our church’s ministry to the families in Elaine, Arkansas. In partnership with the Divine Deliverance Church of Elaine, we support...
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