Family Gardens

If your family would like to grow a garden at RHBC contact us!
Latest Updates
Fall Workday was a tremendous success!
It was the perfect day for showing some love to our church! Our Marshallese friends came and helped too. Trees, shrubs and flower beds were cared for. Trash was...
Flowers are beautiful in our Family Garden.
Our Sunday school kids are enjoying the beautiful flowers in our Family Garden. They even got to pick some!
Another great harvest coming soon!
John Sheely and his friend water one of our family gardens. It's hot but all the gardens are doing great!
Another great year has begun for our Family Gardens!
A rainy spring has got our Family Gardens off to a great start this year. Church members and neighbors are already seeing greens, strawberries and even the first...
Family Garden is here!
Cammy and the girls started their garden today!
Dirty Hands
If we’re not careful our churches, and our faith, can become mostly cerebral. With a prevailing emphasis on didacticism and privacy-in-the-pew, our faith can become...