

I propose that the letter from the apostle James was the first book of the New Testament.  There is good reason to believe that it was a letter written to the new Christians in Jerusalem who were exiled from the city by Herod as recorded in Acts 8 and Acts 11.  This...

Democracy disgraced.

Christian Nationalism is neither. They carried crosses. They carried flags and banners with Christian symbols. Clothing was adorned with symbols and slogans about Jesus. Am I describing medieval crusades? Christian nationalism was on display at last week’s terrorist...
“Luke’s Parables”

“Luke’s Parables”

Beginning in October, 2020 I did an overview of the parables in Luke’s gospel. October 15, 2020: Overview of Luke’s gospel and a discussion of the parable as a teaching style and Luke 5:36-39, “The Parable of the Wineskins.” October 20, 2020:...


Idolizing the past, in my opinion, is akin to giving up on the future…God’s future. In the old book there is a story of a ribbon-cutting. Decades after the Babylonians destroyed Solomon’s temple, some of the exiles came back to rebuild it. You can imagine...
“Profits from the Prophets”

“Profits from the Prophets”

These are 15-minute overviews of the Old Testament prophets.  Like the Revelation, finding a historical and situational context for these ancient documents can  help us apply them to our own lives. August 18, 2020:  Obadiah August 20, 2020:  Joel August 25, 2020: ...