Children’s Special Events
Join us for fun kids activities!
All children are invited: however, We ask that parents accompany preschool children to the events.
Latest Updates
Annual Living Nativity & Camel Ride Event is Saturday 12/7, 5p.
Our annual Living Nativity and Camel Ride event is Saturday, 12/7 at 5p. Click "Living Nativity & Camel Ride" event for more info! Please contact the office for...
Advent at RHBC schedule is out!
Sunday, November 24 “Thanksgiving Sunday” “Decoration Day” Sunday, December 1st First Sunday of Advent "Hanging o' the Green" Saturday, December 7 "Living...
Kiva? We can help with what we have!
We learned about "KIVA" program from Ms. Pat. We don't have to be grown ups to help people and We learned one of the ways to how today.
RHBC Summer Cookout, Cookie Contest!
Thanks to everyone who helped and participated to the cookout. We had a great time eating good food, playing games and visiting.
Beautiful Mother’s Day at Rolling Hills
We had a beautiful Mother's Day Sunday with Special music and Children Sermon.